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单价: 66.7USD
商品重量(gross)=200 gram(s)
配送:  在Zenmony.com购买的商品均由日本直接发出。我们提供两种邮送方式:EMS及国际e邮宝。 EMS提供合理的运输速率,邮包状况可以在线查询,运输处理时享有较高优先级,损失可以得到赔偿。邮件重量低于2公斤的产品还可以通过国际e邮宝进行运输。多数情况下国际e邮宝的运送和EMS一样快,运输费用却更加低廉。国际e邮宝的配送状况同样可以在其网站进行查询。在产品页面您可以通过选择不同运输方式,对运费进行对比。 Recently we added three new shipping options: "AIR", "SAL" and "SEA" (Surface). With "AIR" (International Air Mail) the fees are relatively high since posts will be sent by air. The "AIR" option becomes cheaper than EMS with heavier orders (more than 5kg). With "AIR" option, products are delivered approximately in 6-14 days. "SAL" (also called "Economy Air Mail") is a service where international mail is handled as airmail between the two countries and as surface mail within the destination country. This service is generally slower than "EMS" or "AIR" options, but the shipping rates are more affordable. With the "SAL" option, products are delivered approximately in 7-16 days. With "SEA" (Surface) mail products are sent by surface (by ship and rail). With this option the shipping rates are the most affordable. While the delivery period (stated on the Japan Post website http://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/service/dispatch/index_en.html) for this option is 1-3 months, it takes no longer than one month on average to deliver to developed countries. Similarly to "EMS" and "E-Packet", products shipped with "AIR", "SAL" and "SEA" are insured and have their tracking numbers. PLEASE NOTE that the delivery period may be considerably longer for countries with undeveloped transportation. (?click)
运输选项: EMS:10.5USD||  E-Packet:5.5USD|| 

代谢品东革阿里皇帝伦虎是一种混合物,它将蝎子,红腹蛇与主要成分东革阿里(一种深受马来西亚男性欢迎的草本植物)相结合。此外,本产品比玛卡皇帝伦的玛卡提取物含量还要多20%,可将男性的力量提升至最大极限。因其丰富诱人的成分,如甲鱼,眼镜蛇,驯鹿鹿茸,虫草粉,大蒜,辣椒,本皇帝伦产品,你甚至可称之为「末代皇帝」 –的功效更上一层楼。这便是您可从东革阿里皇帝伦虎这里得到的质量保证。

  • 东革阿里...一种在马来西亚被称为「阿里的拐杖」的植物。因为它的根系很发达,可做拐杖之用。来自根部的输液常可作为饮用。
  • 玛卡...玛卡是一种植物,栖息于秘鲁安第斯山脉超过4000米的高原,能在恶劣环境中生存。
  • 甲鱼...以其顽​​强的噬咬能力闻名。甲鱼的毅力值得推荐。
  • 冬虫夏草...是一种真菌,它在冬季侵入昆虫体内,并在夏季迅速成长,形态会越来越像 草。
  • 蝎子...被称为沙漠猎人,有一套强有力的装甲和顽强的生命力,可在恶劣环境中顽强生存。
  • 红蝮蛇...红蝮蛇是男性完美的保健食品。他们蜷缩起来,目光来势汹汹,并对任何试图接近的人给以无情的噬咬。
  • L-精氨酸...是一种维持男性活力的重要氨基酸。


  • 充满战斗精神,渴望力量的人
  • 想激发蕴藏在体内的力量的人
  • 回首过去,沉湎过去的人
用法用量: 每日10片,分2-3次服用。
规格: 60g (300mg x 200 tablets)
营养成份 (per 10 tablets):
Calories (kcal)Protein (g)Total Fat (g)Total Carbohydrate (g)
11.4 1.58 0.14 0.98
Sodium (mg)Sugars (g)Dietary Fiber (g) Others
0.2-20 - -

zinc 15mg

selenium 50ug

niacin 10mg

生产商: Metabolic Co.,Ltd. (日本)

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