- Heian Era Mischievous Child...
★Used as a decoration for the Boys’ Festival (on the fifth of May)★Ceramic doll for the Boys’ Festival -...22.4(USD)
- Sengoku Era Mischievous Child...
★Used as a decoration for the Boys’ Festival (on the fifth of May)★Ceramic doll for the Boys’ Festival -...22.0(USD)
- Young Warrior Archer
★Used as a decoration for the Boys’ Festival (on the fifth of May)★Ceramic doll Young Warrior Archer. This...24.6(USD)
- Cat Sumo Wrestlers
★Used as a decoration for the Boys’ Festival (on the fifth of May)★Ceramic doll for the Boys’ Festival -...20.3(USD)
- Okimono Seven Deities of Luck
★This Okimono (Japanese traditional house decoration) Seven Deities of Luck is believed to invite...29.2(USD)
- Fan-Shaped Okimono Japanese...
★This okimono (Japanese traditional house decoration) is used to invite the cool air amid hot...20.5(USD)
- Japanese Okimono Figurine:...
★This good-luck Rabbits In Japanese Crepe (Chirimen) okimono (Japanese traditional house decoration) is...14.8(USD)
- Okimono: Rabbit With Right Hand...
★This good-luck Rabbit With Right Hand Raised In Japanese Crepe (Chirimen) okimono (Japanese traditional...14.4(USD)
- Okimono Good-Luck Owl and Seven...
★This good-luck owl ceramic okimono (Japanese traditional house decoration) is believed to invite happiness...29.5(USD)
- Okimono: Decorative War Helmet...
This okimono is a decorative war helmet. It is traditionally decorated at Japanese houses for...39.1(USD)
- Okimono: Decorated for...
Okimono: Decorated for Hinamatsuri - the Girls' festival celebrated on the 3rd of May.It is believed that...16.7(USD)
- Okimono: Decorated for...
Okimono: Decorated for Hinamatsuri - the Girls' festival celebrated on the 3rd of May.It is believed that...25.3(USD)