
Neo褐藻素FXC Neo褐藻素FXC_1 Neo褐藻素FXC_2

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單價: 124.6USD
商品重量(gross)=100 gram(s)
配送:  在Zenmony.com購買的商品均由日本直接發出。我們提供兩種郵送方式:EMS及國際e郵寶。EMS提供合理的運輸速率,郵包狀況可以在線查詢,運輸處理時享有較高優先級,損失可以得到賠償。郵件重量低於2公斤的產品還可以通過國際e郵寶進行運輸。多數情況下國際e郵寶的運送和EMS一樣快,運輸費用卻更加低廉。國際e郵寶的配送狀況同樣可以在其網站進行查詢。在產品頁面您可以通過選擇不同運輸方式,對運費進行對比。 Recently we added three new shipping options: "AIR", "SAL" and "SEA" (Surface). With "AIR" (International Air Mail) the fees are relatively high since posts will be sent by air. The "AIR" option becomes cheaper than EMS with heavier orders (more than 5kg). With "AIR" option, products are delivered approximately in 6-14 days. "SAL" (also called "Economy Air Mail") is a service where international mail is handled as airmail between the two countries and as surface mail within the destination country. This service is generally slower than "EMS" or "AIR" options, but the shipping rates are more affordable. With the "SAL" option, products are delivered approximately in 7-16 days. With "SEA" (Surface) mail products are sent by surface (by ship and rail). With this option the shipping rates are the most affordable. While the delivery period (stated on the Japan Post website for this option is 1-3 months, it takes no longer than one month on average to deliver to developed countries. Similarly to "EMS" and "E-Packet", products shipped with "AIR", "SAL" and "SEA" are insured and have their tracking numbers. PLEASE NOTE that the delivery period may be considerably longer for countries with undeveloped transportation. (?click)
運輸選項: EMS:10.5USD||  E-Packet:4.4USD|| 
日本癌學會于1996年首次宣佈褐藻素具有誘導癌細胞凋亡的作用。從那以後,褐藻素被廣泛利用于抗腫瘤的替代補充療法。近年來的研究表明通過配合以適宜人體吸收的低分子成份岩藻黃質和CCK,褐藻素的誘導作用能夠大幅加強。Neo褐藻素FXC採用泡葉藻提取物為基底(硫酸基結合15%以上),相較傳統褐藻素產品用更好的抗腫瘤作用。 在東京、大阪、名古屋市立大學的醫學製藥學部均受到廣泛讚譽。本產品同時含有低分子量岩藻黃質,其抗腫瘤作用同樣受到日本癌學會的認可。Neo褐藻素FXC成份表:*泡葉藻+提取自兩種全新原材料:原產波羅的海的褐藻門海藻泡葉藻,與原產日本韓國周邊的和布蕪。泡葉藻含有強效抗腫瘤成份CCK,其藥理作用通過添加和布蕪還能進一步強化。岩藻黃質是褐藻門海藻普遍含有的天然色素,可以在昆布、裙帶菜、海蘊中發現。這種暗紅色的天然色素有著極低的分子量,約為500﹣600道爾頓。岩藻黃質的提純一直面臨技術難題,其商業化在近期才剛剛成為可能。即使現在,每千克泡葉藻中也只能提取出10毫克巖藻黃質。物以稀為貴,巖藻黃質在輔助褐藻素引導腫瘤細胞凋亡方面有著至關重要的作用。*CCK是從褐藻門海藻中發現的新型化學物質,其特有的水楊酸框架有著強大的調節免疫作用,300的低分子量也被認為極易被人體消化吸收。此外,CCK還能夠提高褐藻素的癌細胞凋亡引導作用。*紅生薑提取物含有的多酚能夠選擇性抑制COX﹣2。*黑鬱金提取物在泰國的藥物利用史已逾千年。它有著緩解疲勞,增強精力的作用。
制造商:MIRAKURU BIO Co.,Ltd. (日本)
營養成分 (per 4 capsules):
熱量 (kcal)蛋白質 (g)脂質 (g)碳水化合物 (g)
納 (mg)糖分 (g)膳食纖維 (g)其它:
規格:0.30公克 X 120 粒,

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