蘑菇复合菌丝体XD-0013 GOLD

蘑菇复合菌丝体XD-0013 GOLD

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单价: 77.0USD
商品重量(gross)=100 gram(s)
配送:  在Zenmony.com购买的商品均由日本直接发出。我们提供两种邮送方式:EMS及国际e邮宝。 EMS提供合理的运输速率,邮包状况可以在线查询,运输处理时享有较高优先级,损失可以得到赔偿。邮件重量低于2公斤的产品还可以通过国际e邮宝进行运输。多数情况下国际e邮宝的运送和EMS一样快,运输费用却更加低廉。国际e邮宝的配送状况同样可以在其网站进行查询。在产品页面您可以通过选择不同运输方式,对运费进行对比。 Recently we added three new shipping options: "AIR", "SAL" and "SEA" (Surface). With "AIR" (International Air Mail) the fees are relatively high since posts will be sent by air. The "AIR" option becomes cheaper than EMS with heavier orders (more than 5kg). With "AIR" option, products are delivered approximately in 6-14 days. "SAL" (also called "Economy Air Mail") is a service where international mail is handled as airmail between the two countries and as surface mail within the destination country. This service is generally slower than "EMS" or "AIR" options, but the shipping rates are more affordable. With the "SAL" option, products are delivered approximately in 7-16 days. With "SEA" (Surface) mail products are sent by surface (by ship and rail). With this option the shipping rates are the most affordable. While the delivery period (stated on the Japan Post website http://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/service/dispatch/index_en.html) for this option is 1-3 months, it takes no longer than one month on average to deliver to developed countries. Similarly to "EMS" and "E-Packet", products shipped with "AIR", "SAL" and "SEA" are insured and have their tracking numbers. PLEASE NOTE that the delivery period may be considerably longer for countries with undeveloped transportation. (?click)
运输选项: EMS:10.5USD||  E-Packet:4.4USD|| 
蘑菇复合菌丝体XD-0013 GOLD是多种天然提取物制造而成的颗粒性保健品。我们使用:甘蔗渣培养基固体培养出的蘑菇菌丝体(姬松茸、灵芝、香菇)的提取物,冲绳产番石榴叶精华,及作为功能性原料备受瞩目的桑叶提取物。蘑菇复合菌丝体XD-0013 GOLD通过 ISO9001 • 2000, ISO9001 • HACCP 国际质量体系认证,敬请放心购买。蘑菇复合菌丝体XD-0013 GOLD的产品特点*含有三种药用蘑菇菌丝体。姬松茸菌丝体含有丰富的 β-d葡聚糖,这种多糖在抑制肿瘤生长方面颇有功效。灵芝菌丝体同样因其抗肿瘤作用著称。香菇菌丝体除了含有大量葡聚糖之外,还包含珍贵的香菇嘌呤。当这三种萃取物强强连手共同作用时,其抗肿瘤效果将会互相辅助,数倍加成。*本产品选用的姬松茸、灵芝、香菇菌丝体培育自富含木质素的甘蔗培养基。*特别添加富含多酚的冲绳番石榴叶提取物,并使用桑叶提取物作为功能性材料强化产品功效。每1.1克本产品均含有153.5毫克番石榴叶提取物和51.2毫克桑叶提取物。什么是蘑菇菌丝体?蘑菇菌丝体一般指蘑菇破土而出之前,作为“根部”成长的部份。相较蘑菇本体,菌丝体含有更丰富的营养物质,包括以抗肿瘤作用而闻名的多糖。本产品采用榨糖后的甘蔗作为培育基。上市之前,蘑菇复合菌丝体XD-0013 GOLD还需经过多道工序。*选作培养基的冲绳甘蔗长期沐浴充足日照,将多重营养元素自然凝聚其中。*榨糖后的甘蔗渣富含木质素膳食纤维,是最适宜菌丝体培育的菌床。*在进行菌种体培育之前,甘蔗渣培养基被额外添加了多种营养成份。*通过恒湿恒温环境的保持和耐心的等待,培育室内的菌丝体均得到充分的生长。*一段时间后,菌床被厚厚的蘑菇菌丝体覆盖而变成白色,这便是提纯的最宜时机了。
内容量:99g [(220mgX5tablets/package)X90]
制造商:Kanehide Bio Co., Ltd. (冲绳, 日本)
成份:Fungi compound mycelium extract powder (dextrin, 冲绳-grown Agaricus Blazei Murill, Shiitake, Reishi), 冲绳-grown Guava leaves extract powder, Morus (Mulbery) leaves extract powder, simple sugar aliphatic acid ester, Phosphoric acid Ca, Shellac, Starch (methil cellulose)

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