EEM Raisin

EEM Raisin EEM Raisin_1
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Unit Price: 144.5USD
Product weight(gross)=300 gram(s)
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EEM Raisin is the result of the extensive research into the health benefits of mushrooms, conducted by the Chemical Therapy Department of Japan's National Cancer Center and by epidemiologists at mushroom farms in Nagano Prefecture. It is an excellent source of the polysaccharides EA-6 and EA-3, and it is packed with nutrients from enoki ("Flammulina velutipes" in Latin) and buna-shimeji brown beech mushroom ("Hypsizygus marmoreus" in Latin) extract. EEM Raisin is a great addition to the daily health regime of anyone who wants the immune system boost. EEM (Extract of Edible Mushroom) is the extract of edible brown beech and enoki mushrooms. It is a low-element binding protein that greatly assists cellular respiration. EEM Raisin EEM Raisin was developed under the supervision of Dr. Tetsuro Ikeyama, formerly of the National Cancer Center. He based his product on thorough scientific evidence and testing, and you can rest assured that it uses only the best and safest ingredients. It comes in granules that quickly dissolve in water, so it can be taken even when you do not feel like eating. You can also mix it with food to add an aromatic taste without a powdery mouth-feel. This means it can easily be taken by children, or even pets! This nutritional supplement has not been shown to interfere with other medication and therapies. It also has twice the EEM of our last popular product, Actinon. EEM Raisin was created with customers in mind. Dr.HamaoDr. Ikeyama graduated from the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Tokyo University's Faculty of Medicine, and then went on to study under Dr. Hamao Umezawa at the Institute of Microbial Chemistry, world-famous for developing many cancer treatments. He then moved to the National Cancer Center, where he spent several years continuing his research into cancer treatments. During his research he discovered the excellent anti-cancer properties of enoki and brown beech mushroom extract. He named his discovery EEM. He is also a prominent founding member of the Japanese Society of Alternative Medicine. EEM Raisin helps in the following ways:

  • It wards off toxins.
  • It helps boost your immune system.
  • It strengthens your blood vessels.
  • It gives peace of mind to those who want a safe nutritional supplement.
Dosage: Take 1-3 (1.2g) sachets a day with water.
Contents: 36 grams (1.2g X 30 sachets)
Ingredients: enoki mushroom extract, buna-shimeji (brown beech mushroom) mushroom extract, lactose, crystalline cellulose, sucrose fatty acid ester, corn protein
Nutrition facts (per 1.2g):
Calories (kcal) Protein (g) Total Fat (g) Total Carbohydrate (g)
4.44 0.13 0.03 0.92
Sodium (mg) Sugars (g) Dietary Fiber (g)  Others
1.52 - - -
Manufacturer: Alliance Co., Ltd. (Japan)

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