In order to deliver pure citrulline extract, we chose the additive-free condensed liquid form instead of soft or hard capsules, which are commonly used. We pay extra attention to the quality of the watermelons that we use to make this product, so our customers can always rest assured they get the best quality possible. Also, every year we conduct residual pesticide tests and store the resulting data, so we can trace information back to every product we make. We use iron pots for fermenting the watermelon juice, so it contains extra iron and could be useful for those suffering from anemia. It is not a secret that people living in villages known for longevity (for example in Okinawa) consume a lot of fermented foods. Fermented foods have a lot of hidden health effects that scientists are only beginning to examine. To make this product we use low-temperature additive-free fermentation which adds to its health properties.
Watermelon concentrate
Suggested Use:
Melt one tea spoon (4g) of this product for a cup of warm water or tea.